The time is drawing near for the first Giant Vintage Rag Market at the Cheese and Grain in Frome. Here is a preview of some of the stall holders. Kitty's stall will be fun and quirky (above)

- As is Ted and Bunny......
Below is a glimpse of what to expect on the stall run by those "Sunnyside" gals!
A peek at some of the smaller vintage textiles and sewing accessories that Cecile will be bringing to the market.....
Emma will be bringing her "dolls dressmaker kit",
Alice from BBC Homes and Antiques is taking a stand at the event. Watch out, the "roving reporter" might take a pic and request an interview, so you could end up in the magazine!

Sal with her ever-popular "snippets" will be with us again.

Niki (above) and Rosie (below) will obviously be competing for the prettiest stand!
Aline, Michelle and Emma will be bringing Funky fabrics...... Lizzie (aka The Washerwoman) will have buttons, patterns and rummage baskets of all-sorts.

"Rosebud" is coming to Frome on Saturday - check her gorgeous blog here....
Vintage silk saris from Tina...
Household linens............

As always I will add to these images as the stall holders send me the piccies.. The Giant Vintage Rag market promises to be an exciting day, with 40 stalls piled high with Textiles, Trimmings, Buttons, Lace and Linens. Something for every pocket. Doors open at 9 am and the fair will finish at 3 pm. Admission £1.