T h e V i n t a g e B a z a a r
With Christmas still a long way off and the financial climate tough everyone is looking for ways to make their Christmas spending money go further. Well, we have the answer for you!
‘The Vintage Bazaar’ is an event which brings together over 40 quality vintage dealers and designers in one place. Here you can buy beautiful vintage and handmade gifts at a fraction of the cost of your high street stores plus wonderful vintage materials to make your own unique presents. As well as providing you with everything you could need for Christmas it’s definitely chic recycling and the ‘make do and mend’ culture at its very best. At this visual feast you can purchase original 1920’s dresses, French fabrics and 1950’s home wares plus handmade millinery, vintage gifts, stunning handmade decorations, fabric and quilts. There will be an array of beautiful vintage clothing and accessories from dealers including Samaya Ling Vintage, Emma Brimble and Sallie Ead as well as vintage fabrics, trims and buttons for all your making needs from well known names such as The Washerwoman, Donna Flower and Hesta Nesta plus stunning handmade gifts from Daisy Darling, Betty and Violet and Nostalgia amongst many, many others.
There’s ample parking outside, a delightful cafĂ© inside and the eclectic shops on Catherine Hill just a few moments walk away, so mark it in your diary now…the venue is The Cheese and Grain in Frome, Somerset on Saturday Oct 29th from 9-3pm
NB. I know you are saying that Christmas is ages away and I agree. I just wanted to share Clare's excellent press release that she will be sending to a selection of magazines in the run -up to the fair! We girls at VB HQ do like to plan ahead.....