Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The Vintage Bazaar Hartley Wintney

Here is an update for The Vintage Bazaar's latest venture. The hall is now booked and we have been very busy taking bookings for the stalls for the fair at
The Victoria  Rooms  in Hartley Wintney (recently named Best Place to Live in the UK!!)

These photographs were taken last year at a fair in the building. I wanted to give you a peek of the beautiful interior.....

There is parking at the hall but should this become full there is a 

 pay and display parking is nearby  http://g.co/maps/hhbwt which is signposted from Bracknell Lane. Turn rt into Hartford road and follow signs. The car park is next to the medical centre.

 There is a pretty area of common land opposite the hall, and there are some gorgeous, characterful shops just along the road....

 Including a pub (spotted by Jack it has to be said!) He feels that it is important to point out local watering holes.....

 This beautiful shop (below) caught my eye. It is called The Limes......

 Followed by a fab charity shop. Now this one is worth a visit girls! Amazing designer clothing..including  Betty Barclay.Jaeger ..Aquascutum...etc. All at sensible prices.....

If stall holders and visitors need somewhere to stay there is a premier inn just off the A303 which looks to be extremely convenient if you are travelling from the west. http://www.premierinn.com/en/checkHotel/BASPTI/basingstoke-south

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Textile Rag and Remnant Rummage

Recently a lot of my friends have been asking why there are no textile events in Taunton? It is a busy town with an Arts College and plenty of keen makers and sewing enthusiasts...
Here at Vintage Bazaar HQ we are happy to announce The Textile Rag and Remnant Rummage! The date is set for Saturday 3rd March 2012 at The Trull Memorial Hall on the outskirts of Taunton. (here TA3 7JZ). There is ample car parking and level access for stall holders to unload. The focus will be on bargain prices on textiles, scraps, trimmings, remnants, buttons old and new. The Fair will open at 9.30 and end at 14.00. Admission 50p.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Vintage Bazaar comes to Hartley Wintney

 Clare and I are pleased to announce The Vintage Bazaar at Hartley Wintney! This beautiful building is a lovely combination of the old and the new coming together to provide an ideal situation for our fair.

 The Victoria Hall was designed in the late 1890's by TE Collcutt at the height of his career. The building ran over budget, but the day was saved by the generosity of Mr Kenwood, Sir Henry Mildmay and Lord Calthorpe. The building was completed and opened by Lady Calthorpe on October 20th 1898 to much acclaim.

The exterior is a pleasing example of The Arts and Crafts style. Inside the structure has a spacious and modern feel which is a result of restoration in the late 1990's.

 Below, you can see the doors which lead into The Victoria Hall, the leaded windows would originally have been on the outside. The space is divided into different areas, which is an obvious change from the Cheese and Grain in Frome.

If you need somewhere to stay, there is Premier Inn just off the A303/M3 http://www.premierinn.com/en/checkHotel/BASPTI/basingstoke-south which is about 15 mins drive from the hall.

The Vintage Bazaar
At the Victoria Hall
West Green Road
Hartley Wintney
Hampshire RG27 8RE

Saturday 22nd September 2012
10 am to 3 pm

Admission £1

Monday, 31 October 2011

Another busy Vintage Bazaar in Frome!

 Yet another busy day at The Vintage Bazaar flew by last Saturday. We had over 1000 enthusiastic visitors through the door, and a lot of compliments about the high standard of the stands.

 Thank you to all of the visitors, and thank you also to the fab stallholders who really made the day! Thank you also to the brilliant team who work in the Cheese and Grain. They all work so hard to ensure that we have a stress free and enjoyable day.

 Here are a few photos of what was on offer......

 .. you can see more here, here, here and here!

The stalls look fab, don't they? 

 If this has wet your appetite for more, then put Saturday the 21st of April on your 2012 calendar and we will see you then!

Monday, 12 September 2011

The Big Countdown to Saturday the 29th October

The weeks are flying by, and the 3rd Vintage Bazaar at the Cheese and Grain in Frome is only weeks away. The stall holders are sending in new images of their stock on a daily basis, so I will be adding to this post as new pictures arrive..... Above is a selection of Donna Flower's stock. Do visit her wonderful website to see what she has on offer by post.

These 2 images are from Fading Grace who keeps very busy sourcing beautiful items to sell at the many events that she attends.

The Vintage Bothy has been with the Vintage Bazaar from the start, and makes a huge effort to set out her stand with a totally different look for each event.

Auntie Loves Jazz (above) is joining us for the fair, doesn't her stock look great?

Moira is joining us this time with her colourful collection of Vintage children's books and toys.

Niki from Nostalgia at no. 1 will be bringing beautiful treasures to the fair. Her stand is always popular and buzzing with enthusiastic buyers waiting to purchase her latest creations.

Above is something from "box Mad". Emma always brings a funky selection of household items and fab cushions.

More delectable snippets of scrummy fabrics coming our way from Sal!

A Beautiful selection of vintage clothing, silk scarves and affordable vintage Jewellry  is to be anticipated on Emma's stand.

We welcome Jenny and her vintage selection of gardening items to The Vintage Bazaar this time...

Cecile will be at the Vintage Bazaar once again with 2 rails of Vintage fashion as well as textiles and a range of retro items.
 Do keep popping by to catch up with the latest from Vintage Bazaar HQ!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Giant Vintage Rag Market
at The Cheese and Grain in Frome. Saturday the 30th June 2012. 9am to 3 pm.
This type of event has become increasingly popular over the past few years and now Clare and I would like to bring the concept of a Rag Market to Frome. We are planning to have 40 stalls piled high with vintage textile related goodies, from fragments of 18th century silk waistcoats, Victorian shell buttons, Edwardian lace scraps, pre-war french workwear, 1940's patched pinnies, 1950's satin dresses in need of love and restoration, original 60's patent leather kinky boots to unfinished 1970's Laura Ashley patchwork quilts.
Items can be anything related to textiles, so please bring buttons, linens, trimmings, ribbons, lace, hats, costume, stockings, embroidery, shoes, magazines related to vintage fashion, but NOTHING later than 1980 please.
This is a datelined event giving those who trade, make or collect anything in the world of Textiles and Vintage Costume the opportunity to clear out their workshops, studios, sheds and cupboards.... we would advise that you keep your prices at a sensible level, single priced baskets (for example “everything 50p in this basket” usually works well in my experience).

More expensive items are of course welcomed, but the idea is to have each stall selling a selection of affordable bits and bobs to suit every purse.
For this event we are using a different layout for the stands. We would encourage you to sit behind your stalls at the fair in order to keep the aisles as wide as possible.
A plan of the stalls will be available soon on the Vintage Bazaar blog.
Stalls priced at £35 per table, only single stalls are available to create more variety and to give more sellers a chance to have a stand as this unusual event.
Stalls will be allocated on a first come, first served basis at the discretion of the organisers. Your stall cannot be assumed booked unless we have received your booking form AND post dated cheque. We appreciate that there are over 10 months to this event, but this is the required time to plan and advertise to maximum effect.
Please email Lizzie (jltg40@aol.com) for a booking form
Admission will be charged to customers at £1 per adult to cover advertising costs. There will be NO early trade entry to this event.
A changing room is not provided as this Fair. So please take this into consideration when planning what you are bringing.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Vintage Bazaar

T h e V i n t a g e B a z a a r

With Christmas still a long way off and the financial climate tough everyone is looking for ways to make their Christmas spending money go further. Well, we have the answer for you!

The Vintage Bazaar’ is an event which brings together over 40 quality vintage dealers and designers in one place. Here you can buy beautiful vintage and handmade gifts at a fraction of the cost of your high street stores plus wonderful vintage materials to make your own unique presents. As well as providing you with everything you could need for Christmas it’s definitely chic recycling and the ‘make do and mend’ culture at its very best. At this visual feast you can purchase original 1920’s dresses, French fabrics and 1950’s home wares plus handmade millinery, vintage gifts, stunning handmade decorations, fabric and quilts. There will be an array of beautiful vintage clothing and accessories from dealers including Samaya Ling Vintage, Emma Brimble and Sallie Ead as well as vintage fabrics, trims and buttons for all your making needs from well known names such as The Washerwoman, Donna Flower and Hesta Nesta plus stunning handmade gifts from Daisy Darling, Betty and Violet and Nostalgia amongst many, many others.
There’s ample parking outside, a delightful café inside and the eclectic shops on Catherine Hill just a few moments walk away, so mark it in your diary now…the venue is The Cheese and Grain in Frome, Somerset on Saturday Oct 29th from 9-3pm
NB. I know you are saying that Christmas is ages away and I agree. I just wanted to share Clare's excellent press release that she will be sending to a selection of magazines in the run -up to the fair! We girls at VB HQ do like to plan ahead.....